一个阳光明媚的下午,爸爸说要去温岭动物园,我们听了,浑身是劲.我们带上照相机出发了.刚到门口,我就迫不及待地冲进去.第一个景点是华南虎区,只见老虎在自己的地盘里走来走去,一副苦恼的样子,好象想出去透透风.老虎既高大,又威武,头大大的,布满了橘黄,深黑,雪白的条纹.额头上还写着“王字,身体很强壮,跟头一样布满了条纹,它的四肢灵活,脚指头非常锋利,甩着毛茸茸的尾巴,身材是那么匀称.我从栏杆旁边走过,它很友善地趴下,还和我合影了呢! 我们还看了很多动物,最后我们去看了动物杂技表演.我最爱看的就是山羊背着小猴子走钢丝,开始,山羊背着小猴子平稳地走上阶梯,接着,山羊小心翼翼地迈出第一步,又慢慢地把后脚收回来,钢丝很高,山羊看上去沉着冷静,毫无畏惧.突然,披着红风的小猴子向观众扮了个鬼脸,逗得观众哈哈大笑直拍手叫好.这时,职业人员把一个上大下小的凳子放在钢丝中间,没想到山羊稳稳当当地站了上去,绝!这可是小猴子露一手的好机会,小猴子在山羊背上做了个倒立,还瞅了瞅观众,观众都竖起了大拇指,小猴子得意洋洋地摇摇手,而山羊却一点也不骄傲. 其它的动物也很奇特,都会耍把戏,看来动物都有自己的长处,可不要小看它们噢!它们让我大饱眼福,还增长了见识呢!
二、My favorite things七年级作文
My favourite thing is my ipod touch. My aunt bought it for me last september from USA. It is a really cool music player.Except for listening music, it can also be used to watch videos, photos and even browse internet. It has WiFi connection service, so in any place where there is WiFi signal such as Starbucks and Pizzahut,I can freely use my ipod to check my emails or chat with my friends on line.Isn’t this cool? And because of its function for watching videos, the time I have to spend on buses to school everyday become not that boring anymore.
I can enjoy some English movies during my trip in order to practise my English
三、英语作文talk about meals
I think I have three healthy meals every day.Meals are important for us because we can get energy from them.I usually have an egg,an apple,some cake and a bag of milk for by breakfast.For my lunch,I have some meat,a bowl of rice,some vegetables and some fruit juice.I usually have some vegetables and steamed bread for my dinner.Between two meals I usually have some water.I don’t often eat snacks and food with lots of fat or sugar because they are bad for my health.
四、My Favorite things 英文作文急急急!!!
my favorite TVprogram
my favorite TVprogram is Animal World.it is a program about animals.i watch it at 7:00 every evening.it tells us a lot about animals’ life and it also tells something about their living habits ,eating habits and living environment.i think it is the most interesting Tv program in China,because i love animals so much.it can help me increase my knowledge,i can learn alot of knowledge that i can’t learn from books.it also help me broden my horizonand know the natural surroundings.Animal World is a good Tv program ,i hope that everybody likes it.